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Companion to the Breviary

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A Carmelite Psalter with a 4-week selection of Psalms, Antiphons, Readings, Responsory, Canticles, Intercessions, and Prayer. Includes a calendar which indicates the proper week of the psalter to use for the years 1997-2020...

As We Celebrate:Letters to God

Jorgensen Susan S.
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These reflections about life experience and liturgy, written in the form of letters to God, leads readers to the heart of a paradox--to a God who is both transcendent and personal, to a life experience that is both unique and repetitous. But the book is an open one, one that invites readers to pick it up and enter into the journey. ..

Across the Great Divide

Ranson David
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Challenges the division made popularly today between 'spiritual' and 'religious', asking whether 'spiritual' questions asked now haven't also been explored in existing religious traditions. Suggests how religion and spirituality can be seen as complementary and offers ways to discern the genuineness of types of spirituality being promoted today. Includes notes and further reading list. Author is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay and teaches at the Catholic Institute of Sydney in the fields of spirituality and pastoral theology...

a spectator's guide to World Religions Student Handbook

Smart Simon
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It encourages students to engage with the text in a stimulating and though-provoking way.......

When You Are a Catechist

Dunlap Judith
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Like the sower in the parable of Jesus, catechists, teachers, religious educators and parish ministers are called to continue sowing the seed by proclaiming through voice and action the word of God. Catechists are also charged with the task of preparing the soil to receive the word and creating an environment for the seed to take root and multiply a hundredfold. Veteran catechist Judith Dunlap offers those who teach children, teens and adults much inspirational and practical help about the call to serve, the gift of faith, the gift of prayer and ritual, the gift of community and the gift of self. She helps these "sowers" to unwrap each of these gifts and discover new ways to share them in their ministry...

Church Community for the KIngdom

Fuellenbach John,SVD
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Fr John Fuellenbach is a Divine Word Missionary. He reaches Fundamental Theology at the Gregorian University, at the Beda College both in Rome and at the School of Theology in St. Augustine, Germany. He holds a doctorate from the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. For seven years he taught at the Divine Word Seminary School of Theology in Tagaytay, Philippines and for shorter periods in a variety of places. He wrote several books. The most recent are: Proclaiming His Kingdom (Manila: Logos Publications, 4th ed., 1994); the kingdom of God Jesus Central Message (Orbis, New York, 1995) and Throw Fire (Manila: Logos Publications, 2nd ed., 1998). Integrating missiology and ecclesiology in a vision of a church in mission made up of all the world’s peoples. Fuellenbach explores the church’s life as worshiping community, as communion, as Body Christ working to make the world reflect Kingdom values. “With his guiding image of the Church in service of the Kingdom, Fuellenbach has..

Throw Fire

Fuellenbach John,SVD
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Fr. John Fuellenbach, SVD is presently professor of Fundamental Theology at the Gregorian University, at the Regina Mundi Institute and at the Beda College in Rome. He holds a doctorate from the Catholic University of Washington D.C. For seven years he taught in the Divine Word Seminary in Tagaytay, for two semesters in Melbourne,and in a variety of places for shorter periods. For twelve years he was the director of the Renewal Center of the SVD in Nemi near Rome. He wrote a couple of books among them The Kingdom of God Jesus Central Message (Orbis, New York, 1995); Proclaiming His Kingdom (Manila: Logos Publication, 4th ed., 1994). The present book Throw Fire 1st ed., 1997) is a sequence of the two mentioned. It is intended for seminars, workshops and renewal programs. Besides his teaching career he conducts seminars, workshops and retreats for different groups over the 25 years. His range of activities is worldwide extending to places like the EAPI in Manila; the Euntes Institute..

The Future of the Sacrament of Penance

O'Loughlin, Frank
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There is no doubt that Jesus called his first disciples, and he calls us, to conversion. Yet the sacrament of penance has fallen on hard times over recent decades. The author explores the rise of the varied forms of the sacrament of penance, locating them within their respective ecclesial and social contexts and highlighting the considerable transitions through which this sacrament has gone..

Depths of Scripture

Lewis Canon Michael
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The encounter with the Sacred Scriptures should never leave the Christian unmoved. On the contrary when Christ explained the scriptures on the road to Emmaus, the disciples' hearts burned within them. This booklet lays the foundations for a deeper appreciation of the infinite beauty of the word of God. ..

Directory On Popular Piety And The Liturgy

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Extracts from the address of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to the Plenary Meeting of The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments...

WTL: Year 1 Pupil Work Book 1 age 5 - 6

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The Way the Truth and the Life Series – Pupil Work Book 1 Age 5-6..

WTL: Year 1 Teacher Book 1 age 5 - 6

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The Way, the Truth & The Life Series - Teacher Book (13-14 year olds)..

Rebuilt: The Story of a Catholic Parish

White / Corcoran
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Drawing on the wisdom gleaned from thriving mega-churches and innovative business leaders while anchoring their vision in the Eucharistic center of Catholic faith, Fr. Michael White and lay associate Tom Corcoran present the compelling and inspiring story to how they brought their parish back to life. Rebuilt is a story of stopping everything and changing focus. When their parish reached a breaking point, Fr. Michael White and lay associate Tom Corcoran asked themselves how they could make the Church matter to Catholics, and they realized the answer was at the heart of the Gospel. Their faithful response not only tripled their weekend mass attendance, but also yielded increased giving, flourishing ministries, and a vibrant, solidly Catholic spiritual revival. White and Corcoran invite all Catholic leaders to share the vision, borrow their strategies, and rebuild their own parishes. They offer a wealth of guidance for anyone with the courage to hear them...

WTL: Year 4 Pupil Book 4 age 8 - 9

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The Way the Truth and the Life Series is an integrated approach to Early Years, Primary and Secondary Religious Education in Catholic schools, guaranteeing continuity and progression for 3-14 year olds. It is developed by the teachers' Enterprise in Religious Education: teachers Supporting teachers. The series is based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Religious Education Curriculum Directory, Bishops' Conference of England and Wales...

WTL: Year 4 Teacher Book 4 age 8 - 9

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The Way the Truth and the Life Series - Year 4 Teacher Book 4 (Age 8 - 9)..

WTL:Teachers Book 2 age 6 - 7

Cooney Marcellina,Sr.
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CTS Primary RE Teacher Book 2 Provides an overview of the Syllabus, statements of key learning objectives, theological notes based on the Cathechism of the Catholic Church. There is a bank of further activities, suggestions for discussions and phototcopy worksheets. There are a variety of assessment asks and levels of achievement based on QCA guidlines for religious education...
Showing 1 to 16 of 21 (2 Pages)