Daily Missal 1962 Summorum Pontificum Edition Size 4 1/3" x 7" Flexible cover (black Leather) 2,248pages The only new edition of the traditional Missal of the Extraordinary Latin Rite that is approved for use by the Church (published with an Imprimatur). This edition also includes the full text of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum issued by Pope Benedict XVI. Ideal for laity wishing to fully participate at the Extraordinary Mass. Features Include: -All the Masses of the Liturgical Year, in Latin and English according to the Roman Calendar of 1962 -Ordinary of the Mass, in Latin and English translation -Complete Holy Week Liturgy of 1962 -Common Masses of the Saints and the Blessed Virgin -Supplement of special Masses for the Dioceses of the USA, UK and Asutralasia -Votive Masses for the days of the week various occasions -Masses for the Dead, Complete Burial Service, Prayers for the Dead -Hymns, chants and anthems It is, therefore, permissible to celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass following the typical edition of the Roman Missal promulgated by Bl, John XXIII in 1962 and never abrogated, as an extraordinary form of the Liturgy of the Church. Pope Benedict XVI Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum,7th July 2007
Publisher Baronius Press
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