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a spectator's guide to World Religions Student Handbook

Smart Simon
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It encourages students to engage with the text in a stimulating and though-provoking way.......

If Animals Could Talk

Gitt Werner Dr.
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Dr. Werner Gitt, one of the foremost creationist speakers in the world, uses his scientific expertise in this book to show the unique design features of some of God's most captivating creations. All people, young and old, layperson or expert, will be able to understand and enjoy this straightforward book. Told from the perspective of the animals being described,'If Animals Could Talk' clearly shows the impossibility of life without design. Dr. Gitt uses simple language to provoke a sense of wonder and awe at the marvelous design of the Creator. ..

Handbook for Today's Catholic Teen

Auer Jim
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This is about truth and reality. It’s about where we find meaning and where we’re headed/ it’s about understanding the spiritual dimension of life things beyond pizza and sports and dating and finding a career. This invaluable resource for Catholic teenagers covers traditional topics like Catholic doctrine, practices, and prayers, then tackles serious contemporary issues like violence, media, sex, substance abuse, and matters of conscience. Teens will appreciate the Handbook’s honest, friendly tone; their parents and teachers will appreciate the conversations it starts. Used alone or with the Handbook for Today’s Catholic Teen Activity Notebook, it’s the perfect guide on the journey to Catholic Christian adulthood. ..

Real People,Real Presence

Available on request
Real People, Real Presence: Ordinary Catholics on the Extraordinary Power of the Eucharist ..

Jump Starts:Discipline Tips

Chateau Kathy & Miller Paula
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'Discipline Tips' covers key areas that influence discipline, such as the environment, the lesson plan, attitudes toward the children, rules, and behavioural consequences. Above all, the emphasis is on involving children in the discipline process and always treating them positively and with respect...

Jump Starts:Seasonal Activities

Costello Gwen
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Children learn best when they are fully involved with the lesson. With this in mind Gwen Costello provides brief, to the point, and creative activities for each season of the school year. Feasts and church seasons covered include All Saints Day, Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Lent Easter, and Pentecost...

Jump Starts:Key Teachings

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This accessible and fact-filled Catholic resource offers a wealth of information. An at-your-fingertips reference book for catechists, its simplicity and ease of use also make it ideal for parents whose children are preparing for the sacraments. ..

James Michael Liston-A Life

Reid Nicholas
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Nicholas Reid's biography gives a full account of Liston's work within the New Zealand church and his huge contribution to its development...

Staying Together

Judah Stephen M.
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Affairs happen, and when a marriage is threatened by infidelity, all parties involved can become desperate. The air gets pretty thin, and our ability to look past our immediate needs is compromised. We're tempted to look out only for ourselves, and the marital relationship is left hanging on for dear life. How did we get here? Where do we go from here? Can this relationship survive? Steve Judah explores the phenomenon of infidelity, considering both the push of marital discord and the pull of sexual temptation. With clear and helpful analysis of the relational science behind infidelity, he delivers a tested way back toward a meaningful marriage. Your marriage can survive and even thrive after infidelity has been confronted. This book provides a savvy, practical and hopeful guide for couples to navigate this turbulent terrain and find their way back to one another...

Daniel in the Dangerous Den Flip me over book

Bek and Barb
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Here are two Bible books in one—with a real twist! Upside Down, Turn Me Around Bible Stories are lively stories with wonderful, colorful illustrations that read front to back—and back to front! Kits can read a story about Paul and Silas in prison one direction, then flip the book upside down and turn it around to find the story of Daniel and the lion's den!..

Long Shortcut

De Villiers Family
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What’s a Friend to Do? Sprout and Twig are late for school, so Twig ignores their teacher’s instructions and takes a shortcut. When his friend doesn’t show up in time for class, Sprout lies to their teacher about what happened. But as time passes and Twig still doesn’t come, Sprout grows worried. Should he tell the truth, even if it means his friend will get in trouble for disobeying? This lively adventure teaches children ages 4 to 7 the importance of always telling the truth and helps them remember that rules are made for a reason. Seeds of Faith for a Lifetime of Growth The earliest years of childhood provide fertile soil for seeds of faith, and the captivating Seedling and Sprout series offers the perfect way to introduce toddlers and preschoolers to the God who created their wonder-filled world. Each book is artfully designed with vibrant, contemporary illustrations and communicates vital truths that nurture young faith...

Veggie Tales:Oh,Where is my Hairbrush

Vischer Phil
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A gift book just for children that tells them exactly how special they are! What better way to say “Happy Birthday,” “Merry Christmas,” or a simple “I Love You” than a gift book from the VeggieTales Gift Book series. Based on the Popular Silly Song with Larry, “Oh, Where Is My Hairbrush?” is sure to delight every VeggieTales fan. Sing along with Larry and all your favorite VeggieTales friends on the enclosed CD as this best0loved song comes to life in the colorful pages of the keepsake book...

Prayers to My Favorite Saints-Part 2

Lovasik, Father
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One of 101 titles in the St. Joseph Picture Book Series, this book by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. contains a collection of original prayers to fifteen of the most beloved Saints Among the features of this book are: a large full-color illustration for each of the fifteen featured Saints a short prayer to each included Saint an informative "Did you know?" feature for each included Saint the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church durably sewn paperback binding a concluding prayer Prayers to the following Saints are included in this title: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. John Bosco St. Dominic Savio St. Mark St. Catherine of Siena St. Anthony of Padua St. Thomas St. Bonaventure St. Clare St. Maximilian Kolbe St. Michael St. Isaac Jogues St. Cecilia St. Francis Xavier St. Lucy The St. Joseph Picture Books Series is a magnificent series of religious books for children, superbly illustrated in full color and simply written, ..

Intelligent Design vs Evolution

Comfort Ray
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In August of 1998, a professing atheist read Ray Comfort's "The Atheist Test," wrote to him, and asked why he didn't accept the "scientific facts" that supported the theory of evolution. Ray wrote back that there was more proof that the earth was flat. That was in the beginning. In time, a book evolved. RAY COMFORT has spoken at Yale on the subject atheism. He was a guest speaker for 2002 National Convention of American Atheists, Inc. He is the author of more than 50 books, including God Doesn't Believe in Atheists, and is the co-producer (with Kirk Cameron ) of the award-winning television production, "The Science of Evolution." He says that he can prove God's existence scientifically, without the use of "faith," in two minutes. James D. Franz is a professing atheist and a believer in the theory of evolution. He thinks that Ray Comfort is "idiotic" and a "blinded fool," whose arguments are "laughable at best." He maintains that Ray's logic is "very tainted with uneducated and irr..

My Heart Is Sad

Owens, Connie
In stock
What happens when a loved one dies? What if a funeral like? What about haven? Connie S. Owens, pediatric nurse and grief counselor, has written a sensitive, informative story about one little boy who faces these questions when his grandmother dies. ..

No More Excuses

Evans, Tony
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Man look up to the guys who can take a hit and keep going. We respect the fighter who picks himself up off the canvas after a knock-out punch and hangs in until the final bell. The quarterback who gets blindsided but doesn’t fumble the ball earns our approval. Physical toughness like this is admirable, but it takes more than guts to become the men God made up to be, especially when the struggles we face are personal and close to the heart. The difficulty of emotional pain and spiritual setbacks is of a much different sort than any physical challenge. Many of us men are not comfortable or well-equipped to grapple with them. Tony Evans gives us the kind of advice and inspiration we need to battle on through the most difficult circumstances. Drawing from the lives of Moses, David, Joseph, Jonah, and other biblical men who faced the worst, Evans pulls men out of their brokenness and declares, “No more!” no more falling short of being the man God desires you to be for any reason. Evans ..
Showing 113 to 128 of 1060 (67 Pages)