Encyclical Letter


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Ecclesia in Oceania - The Church in Oceania

Pope John Paul 2nd
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The document is an instrument of the papal post-synodal Magisterium which provides particularly applicable pastoral teaching to assist the Church in Oceania in her work of evangelizing all — Church members and others — in the Pacific region. Ecclesia in Oceania is mainly composed of four chapters based on the elements in the formulation of the synod theme: “Jesus Christ and the Peoples of Oceania: Walking His Way, Teaching His Truth, Living His Life”. In this regard, the Holy Father states: “the theme is inspired by the words of John´s Gospel where Jesus refers to himself as the Way, the Truth and the Life (Jn 14:6) and it recalls the invitation which he extends to all the peoples of Oceania; they are invited to meet him, to believe in him, and to proclaim him as the Lord of all. It also reminds the Church in Oceania that she gathers together as the People of God journeying on pilgrimage to the Father. Through the Holy Spirit, the Father calls believers — individually and in community..

Lumen Fidei The Light of Faith

Pope Francis
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Lumen Fidei (Light of Faith) Encyclical Letter seeks to recover the luminous character of faith, which is built into the human being and helps one distinguish the good from the bad, especially today, a time in which the faith is like a light illusory that prevents man go in search of knowledge and restricts their freedom. This encyclical, begun by Pope Benedict XVI and completed by Pope Francis, concludes the trilogy of letters on the three theological virtues begun by Pope Benedict with Deus Caritas Est on Love and Spe Salvi on hope...

Dominum et Vivicantem

Pope John Paul 2nd
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In 1986 John Paul II completed his Trinitarian encyclicals, begun with Redemptor Hominis (on Jesus Christ) in 1979, and then Dives in Misericordia (on God the Father) in 1980. Already setting the Church’s sights on the great Jubilee of the year 2000, marking ‘the passage from the second to the third Christian Millennium’, Pope John Paul reflects on the Holy Spirit, as the one who is at the centre of the Christian faith and is the source and dynamic power of the Church’s renewal. This encyclical has been drawn from the heart and heritage of the Second Vatican Council, and its rich teaching on the Church in herself and the Church in the world. The text explores the spirit of the Father and Son given to the Church, the spirit who convinces the world of sin, and the spirit who above all else gives life, leading to the realization that the way of the Church passes through the heart of man, because here is the hidden place of the salvific encounter with the Holy Spirit. ..

Fratelli Tutti

Pope Francis
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Completed during the Coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis’s prophetic new encyclical is addressed to “all people of good will, regardless of their religious convictions”. He expresses the hope that the pandemic, terrible as it is, may help us discover a renewed sense of our common humanity. This greatly welcomed encyclical is a beautiful reflection on humanity’s path forward to a deeply desired and sought-after peace. Pope Francis begins by analysing those trends which militate against fraternity and friendship today. He proposes the Good Samaritan as a model of someone who cares for others regardless of where they are from. Amid the human conflicts, tensions and divisions present in today’s world, Pope Francis suggests respectful dialogue and proposes that we answer with “a new vision of fraternity and social friendship.” He rebukes “fundamentalist intolerance” and other forms of “shameless aggression” that get in the way of fraternal peace. Pope Francis asks, instead, that we re..

Humanae Vitae

Pope Paul V!
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This new, revised translation of Pope Paul VI’s Encyclical Letter, Humance Vitce, was originally prepared by Rev. Marc Calegari, S.J., on the occasion of the symposium of July 1978, sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Francisco and by the Saint Ignatius Institute of the University of San Francisco, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Encyclical’s promulgation. Fr Calegari subsequently revised his translation in 1985. Those revisions are reflected in this thirtieth-anniversary edition. Fr. Calegari died in October 1992...
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