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The Way of TRUST and LOVE

Jacques Philippe
Available on request
The Way of TRUST and LOVE, St Therese of Lisieux sought a new way to Heaven "a little way that is quite straight, quite short: a completely new little way. This book was first given as a retreat...

What Really happens After We Die

James L.Papandrea
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Here, professor of Church history Dr. James Papandrea gathers in one place all that is known about the afterlife--drawn from the teaching of Jesus, the Apostles, the Church Fathers, and the Church's Magsterium-- affording, for the first time ever, a complete, authoritative, detailed portrait of the state of souls after death and the realms we enter. The following are among the many questions he answers.....

Parenting Your Teens and Tweens with Grace

Dr Greg and Lisa Popcak
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Family therapist and parent Gregory Popcak and his wife, Lisa, are back with Parenting Your Kids with Grace. Building on their best-selling book Parenting with Grace, first published twenty years ago, this new volume draws on the same parenting principles and provides up-todate research to guide parents through each stage of child development from birth to age ten...

By Strange Ways Theologians and Their Paths To The Catholic

Jonathan Fuqua & Daniel Strudwick
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The stories of these men and women exemplify a variety of starting points for considering the Catholic Church. Agnosticism, Secularism, New Age thought, and various stripes of Christianity are all considered in light of the Catholic alternative. The theological vocation specially prompts these authors to question their theological presuppositions as they encounter a Catholic alternative that increasingly gains intellectual credibility the more they study it. Although the theological truth of the Catholic faith captured the attention of these theologians and cleared a space into which the seed of supernatural faith could be planted, each of these essays tells a fully human story. The contributions are not merely collections of arguments; they are stories of grace. Among the ten converts here are well-known professors and writers including Scott Hahn, Lawrence Feingold, Melanie Barrett, Petroc Willey and Jeff Morrow. Each story is unique, and details the various perceptible ways God dre..

From The Susquehanna To The Tiber

Jeremy Christiansen
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This work offers a unique, first-hand, and intimate account of growing up and living as a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, popularly known as the Mormon Church. But as he grew into manhood, Jeremy Christiansen began experiencing the deep and painful disillusionment of a loss of faith. He tells about his journey of a search for God and the truth that he eventually found in the Roman Catholic Church. Through a vivid memoir based on detailed personal journals, this book explores the highly unique approach to religious epistemology found in Mormonism. Although in theory the faith encourages the use of reason, in practice, Mormons’ beliefs in the truth claims of their church are highly dependent on emotional self-confirmation. Christiansen offers singular insight into the life of a faithful Mormon within this system, growing up in a small Mormon town, serving as a Mormon missionary for two years in Argentina, raising a family and serving in Mormon leadersh..

Where Is That in the Bible

Madrid, Patrick
Available on request
In his first book for Our Sunday Visitor, noted Catholic apologist Patrick Madrid helps you: -- Be absolutely certain your interpretation of Scripture is accurate -- Discover how the simple sentence "I never said you stole money" can be the key to understanding the entire Bible -- Answer any questions a non-Catholic might throw at you -- Learn exactly what the Bible teaches about the Pope, priestly celibacy, homosexuality, abortion, salvation, and other hot topics -- Obtain a working knowledge of Scripture so you can feel comfortable talking with Fundamentalists and Evangelicals -- Allow the life-giving truth and power of Scripture to transform your life -- Become an effective spokesman for the truth of Catholic teaching With comprehensive Scripture references, quotes from the great teachers of the Faith, tips on how to deflate even the most vehement arguments, as well as a list of verses typically used against Catholics with effective counterarguments, Where Is That in the Bible? is a..

Understanding Divine Mery

Chris Alar.MIC
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There is nothing that man needs more than divine mercy." --Pope St.John Paul II Few people understand what Divine Mercy is and why it is so critical for our times. Now there's one book that summarizes all of it in an easy-to-understand way! Have you ever wondered, "Who is St. Faustina?" Would you like to know how to receive the extraordinary promise Jesus offers only on Divine Mercy Sunday? Have you ever asked. "How could a merciful God allow so much suffering?" if you answered yes to any of these questions, Understanding Divine Mercy is for you. In this first volume of his new series, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, shares, in his engaging style, the elements of the Divine Mercy message and devotion and explains why Jesus told St. Faustina that Divine Mercy is "mankind's last hope of salvation." Explaining the Faith is a new book series from Fr. Chris Alar, host of the EWTN TV series of the same name. Father Chris, author of the acclaimed book After Suicide: There's Hope for Them and for Yo..

God's Miracles in Our Lives

Leann Theiman
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God’s Miracles in our Lives Through the ages, up to and including ours, Catholics have witnessed or heard about miraculous events that offers supernatural evidence of God’s existence and involvement in our lives. Here is a selection of astonishing true stories that will leave you convinced of the reality of God as never before. This remarkable collecting includes the accounts of: -Angry 15-year-old Cynthia, who scorns her mother’s belief that God will always provide-until she sees an incredible result.(“Thanksgiving Angel”) -Dawn, who, although not Catholic, is asked by her dying son if she too can see “Mary” at his bedside.(“Pretty Lady”) -Courtney, who, in tears and praying in the back seat of her mother’s car after it stalls, watches the impossible as the gas-gauge needle suddenly begins moving above E.(“Fueled by Faith”) -Terrie, a cash-strapped newlywed who skips a weekly milk purchase only to marvel at how long their one gallon lasts.(“The Milk Jug”) -Romona, who feels a tapping ..

Hearing God's Answers in Our Lives

Leann Theiman
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Hearing God’s Answers in Our Lives Throughout history, people have inspired and upheld one another by sharing their stories of faith in times of trial and in times of joy. With that same conviction and mission we have gathered these true stories from prayerful Catholics to continue this legacy. These heart-warming, hop-filled stories prove the power of prayer and clarify God’s presence and guidance in our everyday lives. This collection of stories includes those of: -Dottie, distraught over her daughter’s anorexia, who receives renewed confidence through a childhood devotion.(“Sacred Heart of Jesus”) -Sally, mother of four daughters and a son, who learns that her son has decided to become a priest.(“My Son’s New Job”) -Deborah, left penniless after a divorce, who dares not answer when asked by new friends at a retreat, “What do you need?(“Miracle Soup”) -Martha, who, days before her daughter’s wedding, is still desperately searching for a place for the bridal shower and the family p..

Real Stories of God in Our Lives

Leann Theiman
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Real Stories of God in Our Lives These rich stories present convincing evidence of God's active presence in our lives. Whether you're a cradle Catholic or a convert, solid in the Faith or wavering, these true stories will deepen your belief and stimulate your hope and trust in God. This superb assortment of stories includes those of: -Denise, who miraculously speaks the Romanian language upon meeting the birth mother of the girl she is adopting. ("Speaking from the Heart") Bobbie, who from the sadness of an annual cemetery visit, is startled into laughter by a sudden beyond-the-grave practical joke.("Graveyard Spirits") -Clarence, whose mother was moved to pray fervently at the moment his ship was torpedoed in the pacific-although news of the attack didn't reach her until months later.("When Your Ship Goes Down") -Kristen, who, having rejected God and the Catholic Faith after a tragedy, sees an impossible miracle in something that her daughter sees as ordinary.("Did You See That Boy?")..

It's Good To Be Here

Christina Chase
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My life is very little. "i can't walk; i can't sit up straight; i can't feed myself. If you and I meet, the first thing you'll notice will be my body crumpled in a wheelchair. Once I could at least sit up, but now my weak neck is bent over and my spine is bent so much that my head falls heavily upon my left shoulder and my hunched back." So writes Christina Chase, the twenty-first century Therese of Lisieux whose "Littleness" is humbler even than that of the Little Flower, but whose spiritual power is, by every discernible measure, of comparable intensity. Crippled though she is, Christina's fearful disabilities have led her not into anger, bitterness, or despair, but rather into a profound and exceptional encounter with God's love itself - an encounter that you, too, can experience through the gentle allure of Christina's witness. Locked now for decades within her own fragile, helpless body, Christina has been graced with extraordinary insights into the similar helplessness of Je..
Showing 49 to 59 of 59 (4 Pages)