Catholic Interest General


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Managing Your Time, Energy and Talent In Ministry

Flanagan John P.
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Erma Bombeck once wrote, "When I stand before God at the end of my life I would hope that not one single bit of talent is left, and I could say, 'I have used everything You gave me.'" To use as effectively as possible the time, talents and energy we have been given by God is what this book is all about. Time is short, our obligations are many, the needs of those we serve are often serious and urgent. How we juggle these disparate elements of our lives in such a way that we don't burn out in the process but are rather enriched ourselves in the ministry we perform is very important. The author calls upon his many years of involvement in management and ministry to provide the helpful advice found in these pages. May all those involved in ministry of any kind find herein the enlightenment and encouragement they seek...

Gift of Life and Love

Billings John J
In stock
This booklet is for young adults, those thinking of marriage, or those already married. It explains many aspects of the rich teaching of the Catholic Church on love in marriage and responsible parenthood. It offers particular guidance on the Billings Ovulation Method as one of the most effective and widespread methods used successfully for the achievement or the postponement of pregnancy, - nurturing love, co-operation and understanding between husband and wife...


Morrison David
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All are called to chastity, but what does the Church say about homosexuality? Is same sex attraction the result of genetic or psychological factors? Can same sex attraction be diminished? These and other questions are answered in simple and sensitive language by David Morrison author of the acclaimed book 'Beyond Gay'...

What Jesus Saw from the Cross

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WHAT JESUS SAW FROM THE CROSS What Jesus Saw from the Cross View larger image (+) By Sertillanges, A G (Author) Never has there been spiritual reading as powerful as What Jesus Saw from the Cross, the book that will intensify your love for Jesus by burning the events of His Passion into your memory and imagination. Written early in the 21st century by Rev. A. G. Sertillanges, a priest who lived in Jerusalem, this acclaimed devotional classic gives you vivid and dramatic details not included in the Gospel: With Jesus, you'll be jostled by crowds as you enter Jerusalem, choke on the dust of the narrow streets, experience the exotic oriental smells of the city at festival time, share the Last Supper with the disciples, stare into the face of Jesus' accusers, and be there as He dies on the Cross. Do you remember when Jesus begged His disciples to "watch one hour" with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane? With this book, you can watch not just one but many hours with Jesus. Read it slowly and p..

Falling in love with God

Fletcher Frank,MSC-Editor
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Explores aspects of the 'spirituality of the heart' that are essential for all of us if we are to live well in today's world - a world that is both wonderful and often bewildering. This spirituality provides a way to share the mission of Jesus as we embrace the reality of the world...

Thinking Of Becoming A Catholic?

Fr Michael Seed
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In this reassuringly frank and friendly booklet, Fr Seed addresses the difficult questions arising from those first intuitive promptings towards the Catholic Church. Everyone requires their own particular journey, but some key signposts and landmarks are certain. With humour and compassion, Fr Seed convincingly identifies the true destination as freedom in truth and completeness; more an experience of enriching enlightenment of all that has gone before, rather than of abandoning it.Fr Michael Seed, SA, is a Franciscan Friar of Atonement, and has ministered at Westminster Cathedral, London since 1985, and since 1998 in ecumenism under both Cardinal Hume and Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor...

True Devotion to Mary with Preparation

De Montfort, St Louis
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Considered by many to be greatest single book of Marian spirituality ever written, True Devotion to Mary is St. Louis De Monfort's classic statement on the spiritual way to Jesus Christ through the Blessed Virgin Mary. Beloved by countless souls, this book sums up the entire Christian life.....

Like Them That Dream

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The arrival of European missionaries in New Zealand had an immeasurable impact on Māori society. Like Them That Dream tells the intriguing story of early interaction between Māori and missionary, leading to the many distinctive responses to the arrival of Christianity. The book’s first two parts consider how the Christian word was spread and how Māori responded, explaining the identification they felt with the Israelites of the Old Testament. The third part relates the rise of indigenous religious movements, from the early Papahurihia through Pai Marire, Ringatu and the Parihaka Movement, and the later incarnations of the Arowhenua Movement in the South Island and what remains today’s leading Māori church, Ratana...

After Vatican 11 Trajectories and Hermeneutics

Heft James L w O'Malley John
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Since the closing of Vatican II (1962-1965) nearly fifty years ago, several multivolume studies have detailed how the bishops at the council debated successive drafts and finally approved the sixteen documents published as the proceedings of the council. However, opinions vary, sometimes sharply, about the implications of Vatican II. This volume explores the major flashpoints...

The Deacon Reader

Keating James
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Suddenley and Unexpectedly

Fahy T. Michael
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"Suddenly and Unexpectedly—Non-Fiction—The End of Our Times" is factual and non-speculative. It is based upon the author's 42 years of accumulated research, discovery, personal encounters, writings, lectures, conferences, and a broad variety of other related experiences. The contents of this book demonstrate with certainty that unprecedented, irreversible events of universal importance are imminent, and some are already in progress. These events will bring a definitive, terrible, and destructive end to our present times, which will be followed by a totally new, peaceful and happy era in human history for those who survive. There are alive today (in late 2012) influential, world leaders, both good and bad, who are already aware of significant aspects of the generally unknown facts described in this book...

It's All About Me

Smith Winston T
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Marriage Resources “It’s normal.” “Everybody does it.” “Nobody gets hurt.” These are some commonly held beliefs about sexual fantasy and masturbation, but are they really true? Are sexual fantasies and masturbation harmless ways of dealing with sexual frustration? Marriage and family counsellor Winston T. Smith uses his counselling experience and biblical knowledge to show how these seemingly “harmless” pursuits negatively impact you and your ability to have healthy relationships with the people in your real life. Then he shares how you can build a new inner world founded on Christ’s love, instead of your imaginary fantasies. As you do so, your life will group richer in real relationships and your fantasy life will pale by comparison...

The Ordinary Path to Holiness

Richard R. Thomas,PHD
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How do we work out our salvation? What are we to expect, and anticipate, on this journey through life? When our earthly sojourn has ended, what will we have to account for before God? If we know the goal of our life, is there a map to guide us around the obstacles and pitfalls we may encounter? Centuries of following Jesus -- who is the Way, the Truth and the Life -- have provided the Church with a number of tried-and-true routes to our ultimate goal. This work provides an overview of this traditional Catholic spirituality which has been tested and proven in the crucible of the lives of the saints. Understanding this traditional Catholic spirituality will give the reader powerful insights into his or her personal pilgrimage. This book is an invaluable aid to that understanding...

Chosen: A Poetic Study on the Impact of Love

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Love makes us who we are and who we will become. We all know how to fall in love! In this book, with it's beautiful photographs by Melanie G Mason, Liz uses a poetic voice to teach us about the dynamics in our most intimate relationships so we can stay in love for a lifetime...

Called to be Holy

Cardinal Timothy M Dolan
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Provides a detailed examination and encouraging explanation of faith, hope, humility, love and chastity, human formation, patience, penance, joy, and obedience...

The LOVE DARE for Parents

Kendrick Stephen & Alex
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From the authors of international best-selling marriage book The Love Dare comes The Love Dare for Parents, a 40-day journey of “dares” challenging one or both parents to understand, practice, and communicate Christ-like love to their children. Easy to read and work into a busy schedule, The Love Dare for Parents is designed to “turn the hearts of parents to their children and turn the hearts of children to their parents” (Malachi 4:6) so that moms and dads can more fully enjoy and delight in their children while maximizing the positive impact they have on their lives long term. Each day brings a promising key verse from Scripture, a biblical principle about love that applies to parenting, a specific challenge the parent does for the sake of their child, and space to journal thoughts and reflect on what happened that day. The Love Dare for Parents even includes access to a FREE online parenting assessment, helpfully keyed to select material in the book. Parents, take the dare!..
Showing 17 to 32 of 60 (4 Pages)