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Catechism (Vinyl) of the Catholic Church 2nd Ed

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Second (revised) pocket-sized edition of the complete text of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which includes a glossary of terms. Attractive vinyl cover. ..

Catechism of the Catholic Church P/B

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THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER OVER EIGHT MILLION COPIES IN PRINT WORLDWIDE PUBLISHED IN MORE THAN TWENTY LANGUAGES Here it is – the first new Catechism of the Catholic Church in more than 400 years, a complete summary of what Catholics throughout the world believe in common. This book is the catechism (the word means “instruction”) that will serve as the standard for all future catechisms. The Catechism draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, Church tradition and teaching, and the lives of the saints. It comes with a complete index, footnotes and cross-references for a fuller understanding of every subject. Using the tradition of explaining what the Church believes (the Greed), what she celebrates (the Sacraments), what she lives (the Commandments) and what she prays (the Lord’s Prayer), the Catechism of the Catholic Church offers challenges for believers and answers for all those interested in learning about the mystery of the Catholic faith. Here is a positive, coherent and c..

Surprised By Truth 2

Madrid, Patrick
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These eye-opening accounts by more than a dozen new Catholics reveal why these people changed their minds about their old beliefs and entered the Catholic Church. Dramatic and thought-provoking, these intensely personal stories answer-definitively-virtually every common objection to the Catholic Faith...

In Search of the Proverbs 31 Man

McKinney Hammond, Michelle
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The Secrets to Finding, Nurturing-or Being-an Irresistible Man.Never before has the search for real connection between the sexes been more important-or more confusing. Single women want to know what they should ask for-not settle for-in a mate, while married women wonder how they can nurture godly character traits in their husbands. Men, both single and married, wonder what women really want. Both genders are long on questions and short on answers.Where Can Men and Women Go for Help?In Proverbs 31, Scripture presents a powerful composite of a virtuous woman. But what about the virtuous man-what does the Bible say about him? Popular Bible teacher Michelle McKinney Hammond tackles this timely and important question, digging into Scripture to study key men-from Adam to Christ himself, the ultimate bridegroom-to learn what God requires of husbands and men, and to lay out a trustworthy model of how men and women can live in healthy, fulfilling relationship.Find out what you can do to identi..

Faith That Dares To Speak

Cozzens Donald
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The Catholic Church at the dawn of the twenty-first century is arguably the last feudal system in the West. Once the feudal structure of the church is recognized, the bishops' response to the clergy abuse crisis comes into focus. Bishops and other church authorities reacted to the scandal the only way their feudal culture allowed--with secrecy, denial, and a no holds barred effort to protect the reputation, authority, and resources of the institution. While tragic, and in many cases reprehensible, their response was consistent with the way feudal systems function. In Faith That Dares to Speak, Donald Cozzens addresses the laity's role in challenging a feudal church to embrace accountability and transparency and to bring light where there is now darkness. Awakened to their dignity and responsibility as full, equal, and adult members of the church, lay Catholics in North America are finding their voice and daring to speak to church authorities long accustomed to deferential obedience and..

Staying Together

Judah Stephen M.
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Affairs happen, and when a marriage is threatened by infidelity, all parties involved can become desperate. The air gets pretty thin, and our ability to look past our immediate needs is compromised. We're tempted to look out only for ourselves, and the marital relationship is left hanging on for dear life. How did we get here? Where do we go from here? Can this relationship survive? Steve Judah explores the phenomenon of infidelity, considering both the push of marital discord and the pull of sexual temptation. With clear and helpful analysis of the relational science behind infidelity, he delivers a tested way back toward a meaningful marriage. Your marriage can survive and even thrive after infidelity has been confronted. This book provides a savvy, practical and hopeful guide for couples to navigate this turbulent terrain and find their way back to one another...

Intelligent Design vs Evolution

Comfort Ray
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In August of 1998, a professing atheist read Ray Comfort's "The Atheist Test," wrote to him, and asked why he didn't accept the "scientific facts" that supported the theory of evolution. Ray wrote back that there was more proof that the earth was flat. That was in the beginning. In time, a book evolved. RAY COMFORT has spoken at Yale on the subject atheism. He was a guest speaker for 2002 National Convention of American Atheists, Inc. He is the author of more than 50 books, including God Doesn't Believe in Atheists, and is the co-producer (with Kirk Cameron ) of the award-winning television production, "The Science of Evolution." He says that he can prove God's existence scientifically, without the use of "faith," in two minutes. James D. Franz is a professing atheist and a believer in the theory of evolution. He thinks that Ray Comfort is "idiotic" and a "blinded fool," whose arguments are "laughable at best." He maintains that Ray's logic is "very tainted with uneducated and irr..

No More Excuses

Evans, Tony
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Man look up to the guys who can take a hit and keep going. We respect the fighter who picks himself up off the canvas after a knock-out punch and hangs in until the final bell. The quarterback who gets blindsided but doesn’t fumble the ball earns our approval. Physical toughness like this is admirable, but it takes more than guts to become the men God made up to be, especially when the struggles we face are personal and close to the heart. The difficulty of emotional pain and spiritual setbacks is of a much different sort than any physical challenge. Many of us men are not comfortable or well-equipped to grapple with them. Tony Evans gives us the kind of advice and inspiration we need to battle on through the most difficult circumstances. Drawing from the lives of Moses, David, Joseph, Jonah, and other biblical men who faced the worst, Evans pulls men out of their brokenness and declares, “No more!” no more falling short of being the man God desires you to be for any reason. Evans ..

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic ChurchH/C/Pocket

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A concise dynamic reference book for communicating the Catholic faith and the Gospel message, with colour illustrations. A valuable additional resource for satisfying the hunger for truth among the Christian faithful. Now, the ever popular Compendium comes in a handy and portable pocket size format (125 x 170mm), in a choice of both hardcover and paperback editions...


Card Michael
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When university student Michael Card meets professor Bill Lane, the two immediately connect, and Bill becomes Michael's mentor. Over time, their deepening relationship changes both men's lives. This book shares the story of how Michael grapples with God and how his music flows in response to conversations with Bill. Then, when Bill is diagnosed with terminal cancer, he tell Michael, "I want to show you how a Christian man dies." Woven throughout are accounts of how Jesus mentored His own disciples, creating a rare mix of storytelling and study that will encourage the reader's own walk with the Lord...

Flirting with Monastisism

Sloan, Karen E
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This is a love story. Girl meets boy. Boy joins a monastic order. Their relationship sets a young woman on a much different path than she ever imagined. Woven together in Karen Sloan's Flirting with Monasticism are two stories of love and commitment: her exploration of monastic spirituality set against the yearlong journey of a novice class of men preparing to join the Dominican order. Each breathlessly confusing but ultimately fulfilling step leads to unexpected treasures: new ways to pray, a deeper experience of Christian community, and closer communion with God...

Gathering With Mary

Farrell Sr Marie
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Australian Catholics have always felt close to Mary, Help of Christians, who, in 1844, was declared Patroness of Australia..

Letter and Spirit

Hahn, Scott
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The bestselling author of The Lamb’s Supper continues his thoughtful exploration of the complex relationship between the Bible and the Catholic liturgy in a revelatory work that will appeal to all readers. Scott Hahn has inspired millions of readers with his perceptive and unique view of Catholic theology and worship, becoming one of the most looked-to contemporary authorities in these areas. In Letter and Spirit, Hahn extends the message he began in The Lamb’s Supper, offering far-reaching and profound insights into what the Bible teaches us about living the spiritual life. For both Christians and Jews, the texts of the Bible are not simply records of historical events. They are intended, through public recitations in churches and synagogues, to bring listeners and readers into the sweeping story of redemption as it unfolds in the Bible. Focusing on the Catholic Mass, Hahn describes how God’s Word is meant to open our eyes to the life-giving power of the sacraments, and how the litu..

Catholic Church and the Bible

Stravinskas, Peter M.J.
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This is a significant spiritual study guide, published from a Catholic perspective and particularly keyed to the new Catechism of the Catholic Church. The well-planned, straightforward text is clearly outlined to make information easy to find and understand...

Blessed Be Your Name

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Worship is always a choice. Come Rain or shine, come hardship or ease, come confusion or clarity, the choice to worship God is a costly act of devotion. In the life of every worshipper. ..

Catholic Bible Study:Corinthians

Hahn Scott and Mitch Curtis
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Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch present insights and inspiring commentary on the Letters to the Corinthians in this 7th volume of the new Ignatius Study Bible series. Containing Bible study helps and tools, in addition to the Hahn-Mitch notes, they include insights from the Church Fathers, topical essays, word studies and charts, study questions, maps, and a cross-reference section...
Showing 1 to 16 of 60 (4 Pages)