Hearing God’s Answers in Our Lives Throughout history, people have inspired and upheld one another by sharing their stories of faith in times of trial and in times of joy. With that same conviction and mission we have gathered these true stories from prayerful Catholics to continue this legacy. These heart-warming, hop-filled stories prove the power of prayer and clarify God’s presence and guidance in our everyday lives. This collection of stories includes those of: -Dottie, distraught over her daughter’s anorexia, who receives renewed confidence through a childhood devotion.(“Sacred Heart of Jesus”) -Sally, mother of four daughters and a son, who learns that her son has decided to become a priest.(“My Son’s New Job”) -Deborah, left penniless after a divorce, who dares not answer when asked by new friends at a retreat, “What do you need?(“Miracle Soup”) -Martha, who, days before her daughter’s wedding, is still desperately searching for a place for the bridal shower and the family party.(“A Picture in a Prayer”) -Beth, with a Stage IV diagnosis, who returns to her doctor after a holy-oil anointing.(“One Year”) -Susanna, who has eight new friends with only two things in common: the military and some connection to Catholicism.(“Like Beads on a Sting”) -Emily Sue, who wishes she had listened to all the details of her dad’s stories before his unexpected death, but whose melancholy vanishes as she finds a gift she had earlier been too busy to receive.(“To Susie with Love”) These stories will lift your spirits and nourish your soul. Read them one at a time, alone or in a group. Savor the Scripture verse. Embrace the message. Deepen your faith. Take God’s hand as He guides you on your journey of hope.
Publisher Sophia Institute Press
Author Leann Theiman
Availability None
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